Over the last month, I have been hearing a lot about the importance of compassion. I came to realize I did not have it. At least not to the degree I hoped I had. I can reach out to someone with empathy. I can console. I can offer a shoulder. I can listen. But I have come to realize that compassion goes much deeper. And, it will be no surprise to those who know we must have for self before we…..
Happy Mother’s Day! A day set aside to honor our mothers for all they do for us. And for the incredible example of love, compassion, tenderness, gentleness, comfort, nurturing, harmonizing and selflessness they provide. These qualities assigned to our mothers actually exist in all of us. When this day of honoring our mothers comes to an end, let’s consider allowing these qualities we cherish to be manifested by all of us into the world. Maybe this would be the highest…..
When I was guided to blog today, I was told it was about rain. At first, this made no sense until I connected rain with tears. The rain is clearing the air of pollen, an irritant. Tears can do the same…clearing our emotions of an irritant…sadness. Sadness may be one of those emotions from which we steer clear. You may think that once I get in touch with the heaviness (sadness can feel very heavy) I am feeling, I will never…..
It is up to us to hold the space for peace. Anyone metaphysical, spiritual, ‘on the journey’ who is aware of the consciousness shift, considers a Power exists greater than us, must hold the space for peace. You might say it comes with the territory. We do not have the luxury/freedom to gossip or get sucked into the hate, fear, intolerance, bullying, prejudice that are being presented as the truth of the times. We know better. We know the Truth. We…..
If we want peace in the world, we need to be the peace. In other words, we need to maintain an air of peace in our own lives. One way is to accept what is in the moment. Not accepting what is is actually fighting it. So the energy of fight is prevailing. This energy spreads into the universal energy field. Accepting what is releases the fight energy, brings in the peace energy and with it clarity…the clarity to understand…..
Every aspect of our life and its what we call problems, challenges, issues, traumas, drama are calling out to us. They are inviting us to take deeper looks into ourselves. There is a common thread running through all of them to help us ‘get the point’ one way or another.
We have just celebrated Valentine’s Day. A day assigned for the expression of love. We have a few other days that have the expression of love attached to them…birthdays, anniversaries, holidays. That gives each of us a few days where we stand a chance to consciously give and receive love. What happens to our experience with love all the other days of the year? “Over the course of time society has defined the concept of love as being something outside…..
Welcome. My name is Maryann Pino Miller, author of The Oneness of It All. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here. I’ll be using this blog to interact with you about The Oneness of It All, expanding on some of the topics in it and posting on some of the ideas related…..