It is up to us to hold the space for peace. Anyone metaphysical, spiritual, ‘on the journey’ who is aware of the consciousness shift, considers a Power exists greater than us, must hold the space for peace. You might say it comes with the territory. We do not have the luxury/freedom to gossip or get sucked into the hate, fear, intolerance, bullying, prejudice that are being presented as the truth of the times. We know better. We know the Truth. We…..
If we want peace in the world, we need to be the peace. In other words, we need to maintain an air of peace in our own lives. One way is to accept what is in the moment. Not accepting what is is actually fighting it. So the energy of fight is prevailing. This energy spreads into the universal energy field. Accepting what is releases the fight energy, brings in the peace energy and with it clarity…the clarity to understand…..